Available from McFarland Books
Kenneth Florey–About Me
My Academic Background From 1970 to 2009, I was a member of the English Department at Southern Connecticut State University, and I retired with the rank of Full Professor. I served for ten years as department chair, five years as its coordinator of graduate studies, and two years as chair of the university’s Graduate Council. My academic specialties included History of the English Language, African American Literature, and Greek Mythology.
Collector of Woman Suffrage Artifacts and Memorabilia For the past thirty-five years, I have been an avid collector of suffrage memorabilia and have amassed one of the best accumulations of such material in America. The collection contains significant holdings in such areas as post cards, buttons, sheet music, posters, ceramics, advertising cards, and ribbons. Some of my material was recently on display at the New Haven Museum (formerly the New Haven Historical Society). My collection provided a significant bulk of the illustrated material in the 144-page special suffrage issue of the APIC Keynoter(a collectors’ publication), and selected examples from it also have been photographed for the Maine Antique Digest and The New York Times Antiques Column. I was invited to speak about suffrage artifacts several years ago on a FOX network cable show, “Personal F/X.” I have also served as a non-paid consultant on occasion for the memorabilia portion of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust, headed by Coline Jenkins, great-great granddaughter of Stanton, and have, at various times, answered questions from representatives for PBS (Public Broadcasting Stations) shows such as “History Detectives” about suffrage memorabilia. Years ago, several items from my collection were photographed by Playboy for an article on the suffrage movement at a time when the magazine was attempting, quite unsuccessfully it turns out, to appear as a friend and supporter of the feminist movement. I also have served as a Vice President and Board Member of both the Ephemera Society of America and the American Political Items Collectors.
Auction Appraiser and Cataloguer I was the appraiser and main cataloguer of the Frank Corbeil collection of suffrage memorabilia that appeared in a series of auctions conducted by the Heritage Auction Galleries of Dallas, Texas, the world’s largest collectibles auctioneer, specializing in books, manuscripts, rare coins, and historical artifacts. The Corbeil collection was the most extensive gathering of suffrage memorabilia ever to be sold, and it ran in seven auctions from February 27, 2007 to May 22, 2010.
Presentations and Articles I have delivered several papers about suffrage memorabilia at scholarly conferences, including one on the subject of American and British movement post cards for “Suffrage City! Women’s Suffrage and Cultural Representation” held in November 2000 at the University of Wolverhampton in England. I have written articles on suffrage post cards, memorabilia, jewelry, buttons, sheet music, and the suffrage Clarion image for such diverse publications as A.B. Bookman (a trade journal for book and manuscript dealers), the APIC Keynoter, the Bandwagon (a paper for collectors of political Americana), the Postcard Magazine and Collector (English), the Ephemera News (the journal of the American Ephemera Society), and the Clarion (a newsletter for collectors of woman suffrage). My article. about myths surrounding suffrage jewelry was published by the Maine Antique Digest and has since been reprinted and placed on-line, with a manufacturer that reproduces suffrage artifacts for the British Museum, quoting selections from it for internet advertisements. My focus has always been to address the topic of suffrage memorabilia as one that enhances our understanding of the movement and is, therefore, a legitimate subject for serious inquiry. My forthcoming book (due Fall 2015), in conjunction with my wife, will be on the post cards of the American suffrage movement and contain over 700 illustrations. It is currently available on pre-order either from Amazon or McFarland.
If you have any questions or comments to make about any aspect of this site including the items that appear on it, please feel free to use the contact form that appears at the bottom of each page, or contact me directly by clicking on this email link Ken Florey.
Looks very nice so far. I might recommend some color and/or graphics as a banner at the top of your web page. More later, just wanted to try this out
Bren, I agree. I’m posting an image of a few period magazine covers dealing with suffrage issues. They really give us, I think, a wonderful period delineation of how suffrage was seen in terms of popular culture.
How wonderful to learn about this fabulous collection. What a boon you book will be to scholars and anyone interested in this powerful and important movement.
Thank you very much for the compliment. Your own book, “Selling Suffrage–Consumer Culture & Votes for Women,” is an essential work for anyone studying suffrage memorabilia, dealing as it does with the way activists were able to “market” the movement in terms of the evolving consumer oriented society.
I was so excited to read about your upcoming book. My grandmother was the only NC delegate at the 1913 Washington, DC Suffragette parade the day before Wilson’s inauguration. We have her sash, buttons, and numerous correspondences between Washington officers as well as NC senators requesting their support. Finally a book to help identify items. Thank you!
It was exciting hear about your grandmother’s involvement in the NC movement. If the book does not answer all of your questions, please be sure to get in touch. The correspondence that you have sounds exceptional!
I obtained a, “National Woman Suffrage Convention 1912”, sterling silver spoon a few years ago and I am wondering if you may be able to tell me more about it. Obviously I am aware that this item is rather rare but I am curious as to how rare. As to whether or not I would be interested in selling this article, that’s difficult to determine, Right now I would simply like to learn more about it. Any information you might be able to provide me with would be much appreciated.
Brian, check my last comment. While the spoon is scarce, it is not unique, and several have turned up recently. Several years ago, I appraised this piece for $500-800 for Heritage Auctions of Dallas. Today, I would revise the figure to $250-350. Hope this helps.
Dr. Florey
I am a PhD student in history at American University in Washington, D.C., soon to finish coursework and begin the research and writing of my dissertation, which involves the women’s suffrage movement in New York, 1890-1920.
I am enjoying your site but find it frustrating that authentication is provided every time I try to open one of your files. Is that your intention? If so, please let me know where to sign in.
Best in suffrage,
Thanks for your comment. The authentication box came up suddenly, and I don’t know what the cause is. I did not change the settings on the site to cause it to appear. It’s meaningless, anyway, because you can get into the site without having to put in any sort of code. I’ve been trying to find out how to remove it, but so far no luck.
Good afternoon, I acquired a early Women’s Suffrage Movement Tapestry/needlepoint, it seems to be a early” template” that one could stich/needlepoint the pattern. It shows a lady draped in the American flag, also she hold a flag with the letters” WSP” and the words “Votes For Women” it has the colors associated with the Women’s Suffrage Movement and also in the background a “rising gleaming sun” It does show age. It measures roughly 19″ by 19″ Have you by chance something like I just described? Thank you, Kelly Davis
There were embroidered handkerchiefs from the suffrage period, although I am not familiar with the variety that you describe. The initials “WSP” stand for the Woman Suffrage Party, which was organized by Carrie Chapman Catt in 1909 in New York. Her group was quite active in the 1915 campaign to turn New York State into a “suffrage state.” When you say the handkerchief is in the colors of the movement, what colors are you talking about? The color most closely identified with the WSP is yellow. Because of a disagreement with Alice Paul over tactics, Catt studiously avoided using the color purple in any capacity since that color was associated with her group. Silk suffrage handkerchiefs generally sell now in the $150-200 range, but the pictures that you sent me in a private email are wonderful, and your item, if period, should be worth considerably more.
I used to know some of the last surviving suffragettes in the UK and have an abiding interest in [UK] suffrage. Those final Suffragettes made me an Honorary Suffragette so I could be come the treasurer of the Suffragette Fellowhip – the organisation founded after they got the vote. To hold office you had to be a member, to be a member of the Suffragette Fellowship you had to have been, or related to, a Suffragette. I was neitherr, hence the honorary status.
My own collection includes books owned by the last Suffraggette (Mrs Victoria Lidiard), several period pamphlets, playing cards, cartoons (from Punch magazine) as well as a game of ‘Panko’ and I am currently buying an original purple,green and white Votes for Women sash.
I think your new title is a must don’t you? Any news on when it is due to be published?
Best wishes
Amanda Rayner
‘The Last Suffragette’
Thank you for your post. There is no word from my publisher yet about a definite date for the release of my book. They are still telling me late Spring or early Summer. It will contain lengthy discussion about English suffrage memorabilia as well as American. The English were much better than we were in terms both of creating objects to offer to the public and of devising innovative ways in which to sell them.
Your personal reflection is very interesting! You must have some fascinating stories to relate from and about the women of the Fellowship. I am delighted to see that you are still carrying on the tradition! You have some nice items assembled in your collection. Sashes are hard to come by, and I have always preferred English sashes to their American counterparts because of the stylized lettering that was used. Please keep in touch with us!
What a wonderful site! I have a huge interest in all memorabilia concerned with the Suffrage movement, so your site is perfect for me! Thank you for all your hard work you put in!
Marguerite–Thank you for your kind comments. Coming from you, a person who has enthusiastically devoted much of her time spreading news about both the suffrage movement as well as women’s issues in general, I am very flattered. For those of you who are reading this and are not familiar with Marguerite’s wonderfully informative suffrage website, the Woman Suffrage News Channel, I urge you to click on the link found at the bottom of the homepage of this site. You may also wish to subscribe to her frequent news updates and announcements at “The Suffrage Wagon.” For more information, please consult her site.
Pingback: “Book” Review 3: A Woman and Her Sphere. Also Her Collectibles | JohannaWriter
Thank you for the nice write up. Very good picture of Elizabeth, whom I have not seen for a few years, although I correspond with her regularly.
Dr. Florey,
After much anticipation on my part, I have finally purchased a copy of your work on suffrage memorabilia and it is fantastic. Such a comprehensive survey of the material culture of the movement is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to better understand the movement.
My current research as a graduate student at Binghamton University involves looking at suffrage cookbooks and other forms of domestic “advice” written by activists. If you have a few spare moments I would love to talk to you about your knowledge of these materials. I was not able to get the email feature of the website to function nor was I able to elsewhere determine a direct way to contact you; but if you are open to email exchange I can be found at jderlet1@binghamton.edu.
Again, a fantastic work!
Jessica Derleth
I would love to discuss suffrage cookbooks with you, and I will be getting in touch with you at the email address that you list. Thank you for the kind words about my book!
Dear Dr. Florey,
Thanks for all of your work–the issue of the Keynoter that you mention came to me as a gift and is one of my most prized possessions. I have been a suffrage buff for 20 years now (though not a collector, except of books on the subject). I have published a book for kids entitled, “Carrie Chapman Catt: A Life of Leadership”, and I frequently update a Facebook page called, “Suffrage Buffs of America”. I have also lectured 10 or 12 times over the years.
With best wishes,
Nate Levin
Nate–Thanks for the kind words. I will have to check out both your book and the facebook page that you mention.
Dr. Florey – I recently discovered your website and have found it to be a fascinating and valuable resource. I’m writing now to let you and your readers know about our auction company’s current offering of a small collection of original photography of important 19th-century women’s-rights figures — Susan B. Anthony, Julia Ward Howe, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Clara Barton.
Here is the link:
Bidding officially begins on May 19th and ends on May 29th. I would be happy to send copies of the auction catalog to anyone who might be interested.
Thank you so much for your time,
Khyber Oser
Legendary Auctions
WordPress did not notify me of your post in time to put it up on the site prior to your auction. You did indeed have some nice pieces.
Professor Florey,
My name is Lois Carlisle and I’m a student at the University of South Carolina, studying history. I was wondering if you had any memorabilia related to South Carolina. Specifically, if you have any banners, journals, or ballot boxes from the state. If so, would you send me an email to let me know? I’m looking for images of these items.
Thank you for hosting such a wonderful site. This page has been very helpful.
Lois Carlisle
I fear that there are very few 3 dimensional suffrage items from any of the Southern states, and I personally know of no banners or ballot boxes, or journals from South Carolina. At best, there might be a few leaflets with a South Carolina imprint, but that’s about it. There might be some other material, but, again, I haven’t seen any. I will post your query, and if anyone responds, I will get in touch. Good luck! I hope that you find something.
Your excellent work and scholarship are such a gift to those who are interested in the suffrage movement. Thank you so much for your great contribution to The Cause!
Thank you ever so much for your kind words, which are especially meaningful considering your background and position. I have visited the Susan B. Anthony House and really enjoyed the experience!
As curator at Cuckfield Museum in Sussex, UK, I am trying to find out more about a Portcullis tea set we have been loaned in connection with a forthcoming display. It seems from your very interesting photos that Williamsons of Longton decorated standard white tableware with one of two Sylvia Pankhurst designs, of which this is one. It belonged to suffragette Miss Barbara Wylie, probably in recognition of her imprisonment for the cause (?)
Before I start labelling it though I am just wondering how many of these special sets would have been made, or whether it’s the fact that it’s survived intact which is unusual. Any help gratefully received!
Your set is extremely rare, and I am wondering what the various pieces are that you have. I did purchase 3 cups and saucers in this design awhile back, but over the years I believe that I have seen only one or two others. I also have a creamer in this design, but I have always wondered whether or not there is a teapot, a cake plate, and a sugar bowl as these are present in Sylvia Pankhurst’s Clarion design, which was first sold at an exhibition at the Prince’s Skating rink. If indeed you have a full set, you have the only one that I am aware of. You are correct, I think, in that these pieces were made by Williamsons, although they are unmarked. The pieces in the other set do bear their imprint. Left over items of the Clarion design were advertised in the official WSPU paper, “Votes for Women.” However, I have never seen any sort of reference to the design that you have. In answer to one of your questions, I don’t think that there is any known record of how many of these sets were made or what they were issued for. Perhaps your suggestion that they were given to WSPU prisoners upon their release is correct given their scarcity.
I was wondering when you published this website. At least the month and the year, because I’m using this website and some of the memorabilia on my History Fair project. Great sources, by the way, it really helped me on my project. Thanks!
I don’t remember the exact date, but it was somewhere around February, 2013. I created it in conjunction with my book on suffrage memorabilia, which was published in June of that year.
Professor Florey,
I am a student currently involved in the National History Day competition. I have discovered your website and found it to be a great wealth of information. However, I was wondering if you had found any primary sources on this subject. Specifically, are there any primary documents- sheet music, letters- that you have found extremely interesting or useful? If you have anything to recommend, please send me an email.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
-Cherry Liu
If you are looking for a list of primary sources regarding suffrage memorabilia, try both the notes and bibliography to my book “Women’s Suffrage Memorabilia: An Illustrated Historical Study.” If you can’t find a copy at your local library, you can always rent it via Amazon. The book is divided into approximately 70 entries, so if you are interested in buttons, sheet music, postcards, etc., check the categories, and you should be able to come up with a variety of sources that will meet your needs. Good luck on your project.
Dear Professor Florey,
Would you grant permission or license a few of your images in a commercial book project? I would be happy to provide more details. Please email me.
Thank you,
Amy Ford
I have responded to you privately. My policy generally is to aid scholarly projects and not charge for use of images once certain conditions have been met. Commercial projects are another matter and are subject to discussion.
Dear Ken,
My name is Andrew Allen-Melvin and I live in Plymouth, England. My great Aunt was Agnes Spencer Clarke of Leicester. A quick Google search of her name will reveal my family’s connection to the Sufragette movement. Clarke was the maiden name of my maternal Grandmother Frances Clarke who married my Grandfather George Henry Allen in India before the war. Whilst clearing through my mother’s estate I came across Aggie’s silver half hunter Van Arcken pocket watch. It’s beautiful with the single letter “A” engraved on it. I don’t know whether it was in her possession when she had her altercation with the Police and the subsequent intervention by Winston Churchill however it falls to me to find it a new home. My first intention was to put it on the well known auction site but I’m curious as to whether this is the right approach for this item. Would it be possible for you to give me some advice?
Kind regards and thanks, Andrew.
The value of the piece that you describe is in the object itself and not in its suffrage connection. If the watch were somehow made or sold by suffragists and were marked as such, then it could have a significant premium. Your great aunt, as noble and as meritorious her actions may have been, does not have a significant enough name to attract collectors. She is not listed, for example, in Elizabeth Crawford’s touchstone classic “The Women’s Suffrage Movement–A Reference Guide 1866-1928.” Perhaps if the watch came from one of the Pankhurst’s, the situation might be different, although there is always the problem of proving attribution. In cases such as yours, I typically recommend that the family keep the piece as a personal heirloom. If you still want to sell it via an on-line site, you should set a value based upon the watch itself.
Dear Ken,
Thankyou for such a prompt reply. You are of course absolutely right and I value your opinion. I will put the watch on eBay UK in the next week or so with the story of Great Aunt Agnes Spencer Clarke as a footnote. It might be of interest to someone who has a copy of one of her books or a collector in the Leicestershire area, one never knows. Thanks again for your advice.
Kind regards, Andrew.
I have just come into possession of a English penny dated 1913 with ‘Votes for Women’ stamped across the face of George V. Any interest in such an item?
Steve Douglas
The British Grenadier Bookshop
Ypres, Belgium
A number of these have come on the market recently, and the problem is one of being able to determine whether they were originally stamped or engraved during the period or are modern fantasy items. It is clear that many have been produced recently. One industrious seller on eBay announced that he had developed a stamping machine to manufacture such pieces. About 10 years ago before their authenticity was questioned, these pennies used to sell for about $100. The prices have since plummeted and they are very difficult to sell.
Just purchased your Postcard book” on amazon. Can’t wait. Thanks for your passion and attention to detail.
Thank you very much for your very kind words.
Dear Professor Florey,
Would you please respond to me privately? I’d like to discuss permission and licensing of some of your images. Thank you.
Mary Scarbrough
Will do!
Professor Florey,
I mentioned your books and website in a blog post today at http://madaboutmghistory.blogspot.com/. Enjoy!
Thanks for the plug! I had a chance to view your blog–quite impressive! I wish I knew of some middle school novels about suffrage that I could add to the list, but, alas, I do not. Please keep this going!
Dr. Florey,
I’ve recently come into possession of a photo of my great grandmother in a parade. The writing on the back says “Grandmothers’ Parade” and is dated about 1920. The parade route included Chapel St. in New Haven. All the women are wearing white, but do not have sashes characteristic of the suffragettes. My great grandmother and her sister are in the front line, both immigrants from Ireland. Have you any idea what this could be about? We have a few hypotheses, but a friend sent me the April 2016 article about your work and I thought I would contact you first.
Your photograph sounds intriguing, and I wish that I had more information to give you. This could be a suffrage parade, but if its location is in New Haven, this would have to be taken at the Sept. 5 or Sept. 19, 1916 just prior to the Republican and Democratic state conventions held in the city on those dates. These are the only two massive suffrage demonstrations that I am aware of in New Haven, although Hartford also had a few. The white dresses would suggest a suffrage march, as white was generally the “uniform” of suffragists in such demonstrations. However, as you point out, none of the marchers are wearing sashes. In the few photographs that I have of these marches, they are. Since both demonstrations had various contingents, I suppose it is possible that your grandmother belonged to a local group that marched without sashes. Anyway, you might check with the New Haven Museum (formerly the New Haven Historical Society). They do have a decent archive along with a staff and volunteers that are well versed in New Haven history. Be sure to send them a copy of your picture. It might help in identification.
Pingback: Marching in 1913 & 2017. Reports from Suffrage Wagon Cafe! | Suffrage Wagon News Channel: BLOG
What a great website! I am going to be conducting a patriotic sing-a-long at the end of June. I give a little background on each song we sing. I have looked for information on “Winning the Vote” (Not for Joseph by Arthur Lloyd) particularly especially any history of the song that may exist. It is one of my favorites.
Any help or suggestions where I might find this information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks…..
Alas, I don’t think that I can be of much help in terms of information about “Winning the Vote” that you con’t already know. It is an extremely rare title, so rare that Danny Crew, the guru of all political sheet music, was not able to locate an original copy for his book “Suffragist Sheet Music.” It was published circa 1912 by Busy Word Publishing Company of Madison, Wisconsin with words by A. B. Smith, and it was designed to be performed (acted). But I assume that you know all of this.
Pingback: Women’s suffrage centennial news updates! | Suffrage Wagon News Channel: BLOG
Thank you very much for this!
Hello Professor Foley,
I am writing to request permission to use some of your photos in a display the Wappingers Historical Society is putting together to commemorate New York State Women’s Suffrage Centennial. The exhibit will be in conjunction with our annual Taste of History event. This year’s event is called “Tea and Suffrage” and will be free to the public. Also, thank you for your informative books. They have been a wonderful resource in preparing our exhibit.
Jackie Hammond
Wappingers Historical Society
The Wappingers Historical Society has my permission to use images for their exhibition. I wish you the best of luck with it!
Dear Mr. Florey: I am treasuring your book WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE MEMORABILIA!
I have been in touch with McFarland Publishing in North Carolina asking for permission to copy two items featured and they have just told me that they cannot give me that permission.
I live in Central PA. On September 17, 2017 we are having a very large celebration to honor the Constitution. You can find info about it at Constitution230.com We have rented the county fair grounds — bandstand and all. I am working on a table featuring the 19th Amendment and want to develop some handouts. I specifically asked McFarland if I could copy the sheet music on page B5 and the song sheaf on page 167. As I said they have just told me they cannot give me permission to reproduce those pages.
So that is why I am writing to you. I would be pleased to have you consider my request.
Thanks so much of reading this wordy note and THANK YOU for the wonderful book you have put together for all of us! Mary Watson
I will get in touch with you privately about this.
Dear Mr. Florey,
Do you or would you consider lending items for museum display? Additionally, do you have anything relevant to Staten Island or New York? Thank you!
There were very few examples of Woman Suffrage ornamental jewelry made, particularly in American. Some dealers and auctioneers have tried in the past to claim a suffrage connection to pieces that they are peddling, but for the most part, they are not selling the genuine thing. There is no website that sells genuine suffrage jewelry because such pieces are extremely rare. I am sorry to convey the bad news. I’m afraid that I am not an expert on Civil War items, so I can’t help you out there.
I feel flattered that your museum would like to display some of my objects. Alas, though, as a general policy, I do not like to lend out my objects and I have turned down such requests in the past. Thank you for asking, however.
I’ve been trying to find information on a Woman Suffrage Journal Scrapbook I have in my possession. Inside the 1903 scrapbook are various newspaper articles from Maine, New York and Washington newspaper companies, starting in the year 1903 and ending in 1906, right after Susan B. Anthony’s death. Many newspaper articles do not show which Newspaper Company they are from. In addition, there are programs and questionnaire from M.W.S.A. Portland, Maine, including a yellow ribbon from the Auburn, ME M.W.S.A. dated Oct. 28-30, 1903, and a program from the Plymouth Church in Brooklyn NY regarding A Meeting of Appreciation of the Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony under the Auspices of the Interurban Political Equality Council of the Greater New York, dated April 1, 1906.
I don’t know who compiled this amazing journal. The book is 114 years old, and shows some outer wear. The pages aren’t torn or cracked, just very brown from age.
Any information you have on this is greatly appreciated.
Hi there Kenneth!
I recently purchased a Broadside and was wondering if I could send you a picture of it and see if it’s an original. I have my suspicions it’s not original. But the gentleman I purchased it from said he had obtained it in the 80’s and it had been in his possession ever since. Just let me know and I can send you a picture. I wasn’t sure who to ask or where to go to find out. Any help you could provide would be great!
Thanks in advance,
Tracy Duncan
Send me a picture of the broadside in question along with dimensions, and I will try to do my best.
Dr. Florey, I am a member of the West Brookfield Historical Commission in Massachusetts, which town was the birth place of Lucy Stone. As we approach the bicentennial of her birth, I was wondering if you have any Stone related memorabilia or materials? Thank you for your time, your website, writings, and passion.
Thank you for your nice comments. I do have a few Lucy Stone items, including some issues of her paper and pamphlets when she was still and editor of The Woman’s Journal, a Cabinet Photo, a photo celluloid pin picturing her and advertising her journal, along with various other paper items. You don’t live all that far away from me, so you are welcome to come down and take pictures if you wish.
Mr. Florey:
I am doing a special exhibition on Women’s Suffrage and my grandmother came across this website. I am not certain how to use many of your products but I am certain that I am seeking permission to use some of them for my poster exhibition. Please let me know what is the most appropriate way to use some of them for my 9th grade History Fair competition. Thank you very much.
Camille Hackett
Thank you for asking for permission to use images from my website for your suffrage project. Any of my images can be used without payment as long as they are for non-profit purposes such as your project. In other words, you have the go-ahead. The images that you want can easily be dragged from the site onto your computer and placed into any simple photo program where you can alter the image as you see fit. Good luck with your project!
Nice site. But did not find what I was looking for. Was hoping to find some info on a handbill I got and about what it might be worth. It is brown in color and very brittle and is in an old frame. It says Justice to California Women. Women Vote on some questions in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Illinois Kentucky and in 26 other states. Women Vote equally with men in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Washington. Why not in California? Mark Your Ballot This Way: 4-Senate Constitutional Amendment, No. 8, relating to the right of suffrage. Yes X No
Give Your Girl the Same Chance as Your Boy. (At the very bottom in small print: H.L. Davis Co. emblem 251 Kearny St.
Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks and have a nice day.
This flyer was issued for the 1911 referendum in California, which was successful, making California the 6th state to give women full voting right. Generally these small handbills are not worth very much, but there is some interest in California pieces. Handbills such as this are often very brittle because of the cheap paper that they were printed on. The backing to this handbill in your frame may also be highly acidic leading to further deterioration. I would advise taking it out of the frame. There are some de-acidification sprays on the market that will help preserve your piece, but nothing that will restore it to its original state. Depending on how brittle it is, I would estimate its worth at approximately $25-$50.
Thank- You for your help. Appreciated it.
Thank you for curating and sharing your amazing collection. I am an educator designing a lesson plan for elementary and middle school students. I wanted to ask your permission to use the images from the site in the lesson so that students can create their own scrapbooks of suffrage history for the centennial. Would it be okay to use the images for this purpose?
Yes it would be fine with me, but thank you for asking. Good luck with the project!
Prof. Florey,
I work at a small historic house museum on a community college campus in Maryland, and we’re doing an exhibit in the spring (probably with everyone else!) on women’s suffrage. Would it be permissible for me to use some of your images of the awesome objects in your collection in the exhibit? Of course you would be credited for them, and your books will be appearing in the “Works Cited” for the exhibit. If you’d rather not, I do understand. Thanks for your time!
This is flattering. Of course you have my permission to use my images. Good luck on your exhibition and let me know how it is going!
Pingback: Kenneth Florey, a valuable source for suffrage research & articles! | Lets Rock The Cradle
Thank you ever so much for your very kind words and thoughtfulness. I had not known about the New York Review of Books article until you pointed it out. I will have to check it out.
Hello Kenneth,
Wonderful book, what is your policy about sharing/rights to the postcards in your collection? There is a one of Ames Iowa that we would like to use for an upcoming exhibit with your permission
Thank you for the compliment. I have sent you a private email regarding your request.
Dear Dr. Florey:
I came across your article about Suffrage Memorabilia on WordPress, and became intrigued so further researched your work. I am the Chairwoman of the Tenafly Historic Preservation Commission in Tenafly NJ, where Elizabeth Cady Stanton lived from 1868 until 1987, working with Susan B. Anthony to write History of Woman’s Suffrage. We are planning events to celebrate the centennial of the 19th amendment here in our town, and I’m wondering if you are available for a lecture or would be willing to display some of your memorabilia in our Public Library.
Please feel free to contact me by email or by calling (C) 201-658-6269.
Many thanks, Karen Neus
I will get in touch with you outside this blog.
Dear Professor Florey, I am working on a small project for my synagogue (Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia) about local Jewish women who were active in the suffrage movement. Several of them participated in the rolling chair parade in Atlantic City. I know you published a postcard of this event. I wonder if you could help me obtain a digital copy of it. We are only planning of posting the image on our web page along with some newspaper articles describing the event. Thanks for any help you can offer, Julia Williams
I will be getting in touch with you privately about this request.
Good Afternoon, Dr. Florey,
I am hoping to get in touch with you about some items I am looking to have appraised. Can you please let me know the best way to contact you directly?
Thank you.
I found your website through an old comment left in 2012! Great to see it’s still live. Your collection is incredible and your documentation has been a wonderful resource for me as I educate myself more on the movement. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you ever so much for your very kind words. Are you a collector? A historian? Just interested in suffrage? Whatever, pleased that you enjoyed the site!
I have a suffrage sheet music I do not see o n you list: YOUR MOTHER’S GONE AWAY TO JOIN THE ARMY
I am sorry for ot responding to you sooner. For some reason, I never received notification of your original query.Thank you for offering this to me. I do have it, and it does come in several versions. Good luck selling it!