
 Among the more memorable forms of suffrage artifacts are those English tea sets distributed by the WSPU and the WFL along with the several varieties of luncheon ware produced by Alva Belmont, Newport, Rhode Island socialite and founder of the Political Equality Association.

Mrs. Alva Belmont  There is a certain air of mystery surrounding the dinnerware ordered by Mrs. Alva Belmont from the English manufacturer John Maddock and Sons both in terms of when it was used and how many different pieces exist.  It was once thought that they were produced for a suffrage event that took place in 1909, but mint marks on the back of several of the pieces suggest a later date.  They were probably made for the Council of Great Women Conference that took place in 1913 in conjunction with the opening of a new Chinese Tea House on Belmont’s estate at Marble House and the simultaneous return of her daughter, Consuelo, from England. Currently, Marble House has five different pieces on display, a 9″ luncheon plate, a coffee cup and saucer, a bread or cake plate, and a soup bowl. There is a possibility, somewhat unlikely, that a full size dinner plate also exists.

Additional Pieces  There are at least three additional pieces known of Belmont dinnerware manufactured in the same design, a small creamer, an oval celery plate, and a small berry dish.  While they could have been used at Marble House, there is no record that they necessarily were.  The creamer was sold for 25 cents at the Political Equality Association’s shop in New York, and the other pieces could also have been distributed there.

NAWSA Demitasse  Probably the most widely distributed of all examples of American suffrage china was this demitasse sold by the National American Woman Suffrage Association for 50 cents each.  Both cup and saucer were embellished with a small gold rim that was inscribed “Votes for Women.”  The cup is marked on the bottom “Hutschenreuther Selb Bavaria–The Art China New York Import Company.”

St. Louis World’s Fair  This tiny cup was distributed at the World’s Fair in St. Louis in 1904 by the “Madison County Chapter 8439 PHK.”  Because of the misspelling in “Women’s Sufferage Committee,” it was probably intended as a joke item and not connected with any official suffrage organization.



Perhaps the best known of all English suffrage china tea sets is that designed by Sylvia Pankhurst featuring an image of an angel, facing left, blowing a horn, all done in the official purple, green, and white colors of the Women’s Social and Political Union.  The set made its first appearance at the famous exhibition at the Prince’s Skating Rink at Knightsbridge, London, held from May 13-26, 1909.  Known pieces include a teapot, a tea cup and saucer, a dessert plate, a small milk jug, and a sugar basin.  Parts of the set, manufactured by the firm of Williamsons of Longton, Staffordshire, were later reissued in a larger size.

Another Sylvia Pankhurst design featured her famous “Portcullis” or Holloway Prison image that was originally appeared on badges given to those members of the WSPU who had been imprisoned for suffrage activities.  The arrow pictured on these cups represents the “prison arrow.”  In addition to the cup and saucer pictured here, a creamer is also known. Although unmarked, the china was probably made by the firm of Williamsons.

Minerva Club China   The Minerva Club was an outgrowth in 1920 of the Minerva Cafe, which hosted luncheons and lectures during WWI. It was developed by the Women’s Freedom League, the breakaway organization from Emmeline Pankhurst’s Women’s Social and Political Union. Pieces in the set, as seen in the pictured soup bowl, all contain a rim in green and gold, which, along with white, were the official colors of the WFL.  The small medallion transfer includes an image of Minerva, the Roman Goddess of War, Wisdom, and Protection, along with the words “Women’s Freedom League—Minerva Club.”

For further information about these and other examples of suffrage dinnerware, consult my forthcoming book from McFarland Press, Women’s Suffrage Memorabilia: An Illustrated Historical Study.



27 thoughts on “China

  1. Thank you again for your helpful emails, the investigation so far has been so rewarding. Connecting with the ‘real people’ stories as part of our recent history (that I think is very much taken for granted by post “baby boomer” generations for one reason and another) has been a genuine pleasure and eye opener. In my explorations I came across this short but lovely Radio 4 excerpt from A History of the World in 100 Objects featuring a Suffragette defaced penny – oh how I would love to find one! I hope your blog visitors will find it interesting

    • Christina–Your enthusiasm is quite refreshing, and I thank you for the Radio 4 link, Be careful about defaced pennies, though. At times it is difficult to tell the difference between a coin that was defaced by suffragists and one that was done recently. On eBay, one seller indicates that he has a machine that will punch out “Votes for Women” on old coins, and he is selling those coins for $19.99.

  2. How can I tell if the plate I have is original? Also, is it possible to get an estimate on what an original votes for women plate would go for? Thank you,

    • You generally can tell if a suffrage plate is original or not by looking at the manufacturer’s imprint on the bottom of the piece. There were reproductions made of votes for women china, but these were all intended for the tourist trade and not to deceive. Most genuine suffrage china in America bears the imprint of J. H. Maddock, an English manufacturer. In England, most authentic china was made by Williamsons. If your piece bears either imprint, it is genuine. Homer Laughlin reproduced some china, and any piece marked with that name is not original. The Newport Historical Society also reproduced items. In general, I do not like to give exact appraisals on this site. The value of your piece, if original, could vary anywhere from $350-$750 depending on condition, size of piece, and manufacturer.

  3. The above oval plate with creamer having blue lettering: my grandmother had one of these and she was a marcher in NYC so I would think that she purchased it there. Just confirming your suspicions about where they were sold.

    • Suffrage china of any sort is rare and expensive. Every once in awhile a genuine piece appears on eBay, but generally what you find are reproductions. When dealer’s come across them, they are likely to sell immediately. I do know of one dealer who had a few pieces about a year ago, and I will forward his contact information to you privately. Good luck in your search!

        • Marybeth
          Are you looking for an English cup and saucer or for an American. The main American set is ironstone, and probably more of a coffee cup rather than a tea cup. English material tends to be porcelain and quite expensive. If this is what you are interested in, please let me know and I will hook you up.

  4. I bought a Williamsons of Longton WSPU teapot on a fleamarket in Belgium. The lady selling it had obviously no idea what it was. Now I wonder, how can you tell if it is an original, or one reissued later? And are there any fakes around?

    I also wonder what to do with it. I am not a suffragette collector, and I live in Belgium. I kind of think it should either belong in a collection, or in a museum in the UK. What is your advice?

  5. I have a set of 4 “cherry” bowls with the ‘ votes for women ‘ emblem on it.

    the reverse is stamped homer Laughlin china with the traditional fleur de lis prince of wales stamp with U.S.A. K K A.

    additionally, there is a LOULOUS LOST & FOUND BOSTON stamp below the above.

    would like to know if these have any value.

    • Ordinarily I do not answer questions about value of suffrage items on this site, but your question is of generic interest. All “votes for women” items manufactured by the firm of Homer Laughlin are modern reproductions or fantasy items. In general, they are modeled after the china that Alva Belmont ordered from England for use at her Newport estate and for sale at her suffrage headquarters in New York. They have some minimal value as curiosity items but they will not provide retirement income. Your best bet would probably be to keep them as conversational pieces.

  6. I wonder if you can tell me if Royal Crown Derby produced any tea ware in the Suffragette’s colours of purple, white and green?

    Best regards

    Tom Johnston

  7. I have the small brown dog the says on the base “Votes for Women”. on the bottom it is written either 1914 or 19/4. It has been in my family for as long as I can remember. My Father was first generation from Germany and my Mother first from Ireland. I would like to know who would be interested in this piece since I am 71 and would like it to be in proper hands.

    • Your dog piece is a bit scarcer than a companion cat item.  There are several variations known.  The price has gone up and down over the years, but a realistic figure might be in the $350-$500 range.  You could try auctioning it off on eBay, making sure that you have an adequate reserve.  You could also try one of the major auctions services–Ted Hake (Hake’s), Tom French, Heritage, Al Anderson, etc. If you are interested, search out information for them on the Web.  If you have difficulty, get back to me.

  8. More than thirty years ago I acquired a “Votes for Women” cup and saucer, oval plate, small plate and dinner plate from an antiques dealer. The back of the items show a mark with a lion with the wording vitrified and also John Maddock & Sons, England.

    We are downsizing and considering selling. Can send photos.
    Maureen Oliver

      • I also have a plate with vitrified & a lion stamp on it then John Maddock & Sons England on it. My relatives were caretakers at that Marble House in the 60’s & gave it to me for a wedding gift. I have been very interested in the value of this. Thanks for any help you can give me,

        • These dishes have been reproduced several times, but only one set is original, that produced by John Maddock of England, of which you have a representative piece. Congratulations!
          It is difficult to give a precise value to your piece because prices of suffrage items have fluctuated up and down dramatically over the past several years. Also, I need to know the size of your plate–this comes in both a bread or dessert plate and a lunch plate versions (6″ and 9″). The 6″ plate used to sell for about $200-250 if in very good condition (bright white and no cracks or crazing). The larger plate for about $500-600. A nice wedding gift, indeed!

  9. Hello,
    I am in an art nouveau decorative arts FB group. We are trying to determine the maker of a lovely porcelain vase. So far a mystery. However, it turns out that the blurry writing on the bottom says “Change !”.
    I have seen the “Votes for Women” dishes before. Got me to wonder if this case could
    have a connection to the British suffragette movement. Colors include green, purple and white. But there is also gold and dark blue.
    Are you interested in seeing an image of thus case and it’s markings?

    • From your description, I doubt very much if your vase is at all connected to the suffrage movement, In all of my research, I have never come across such a piece.  I suspect that if it did refer to the movement, the wording would have been more direct and specific.  You can send me pictures if you believe that it is worth it, but, again, I am very dubious.

  10. I have just bought a teapot, milk jug & sugar bowl which I believe to be in the form of the Suffragettes. I would be interested to know for sure.

    • If you email me pictures of your china, I would be able to tell. If this pieces are genuine, they are probably English based on your listing of the items that you picked up.I just sent you an email with my address.

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